Thursday, October 8, 2020

Unity Tutorial 01


Unity screenshot

Although it seemed like a very daunting task initially, once I was actually doing this task it actually felt very intuitive to me. This may be because I have a general understanding of game design just from picking it up passively over years of videogames and learning about videogames and also because I have dabbled very minimally in 3D programmes before in my own time. Through these first three tutorials you learned the very basics on the Unity Software and were introduced to the concepts of the 3D space. You were taught how to navigate through the 3D space itself and also how to place objects in and around it. You were also taught helpful keyboard shortcuts for both navigation and actual workflow. Once the initial basic steps were done and all the assets were placed you then began learning basic essential commands in C# which was very new to me but was easily followed with the tutorial. It was a very comprehensive introduction for the amount of time it took and I'm excited to see what the remaining sections of this tutorial have to offer. I'm very excited to actually learn how to code inputs and controls for the game and to hopefully eventually work with more dynamic environments and assets. The only difficulties I really encountered were the constraints of my laptop but I can easily mitigate those before the next task.

Split screen view of my workflow

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vince
    This blog was a great read. Thank God I am not the only individual who thought Unity was a daunting interface and I wouldn't know how to use it.Also now I have tips on how to get better at game developing. Playing video games😂😂. Keep up the good work man


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