Thursday, October 15, 2020

Unity Tutorial 02

Unity screenshot of lesson 1.4

In this week's Unity lesson we added acceleration and reverse controls and steering and rotation to the car. Although the coding seemed complex and difficult initially, it followed a similar format for all the controls which made it easier to grasp. It was interesting seeing the premade code available in unity which helps to streamline and simplify the coding process for games. I found it fun to edit and experiment with the variables of the vehicle to find the right balance between forward speed and turn speed to make it feel intuitive and fluid.

The challenge part of the lesson was significantly more difficult than the first. I was able to make a fair guess with some of the tasks but was slightly off or completely lost with some of them. Honestly I realised that I had forgotten some of the basics and had to go back and review the earlier lessons for some things. Tasks such as changing the direction of the plane and it's speed as well as positioning the camera were simple enough but the tasks for steering and camera tracking proved to be far more difficult. For these I attempted to make the best guess I could but ended up looking for assistance after nothing worked as expected. This gave me insight into the coding side of Unity which I had forgotten. For the bonus tasks I had a fair guess as to how to do it and checking a online resources confirmed it which was an interesting thing to learn. With each line of code written it all makes a little more sense and I am starting to notice simple patterns which help make a lot more sense of all of it in my head.

Unity Screenshot of Challenge 1

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