Friday, November 6, 2020

Unity Tutorial 05

Screenshot of my Unity Progress

In this Unity 3D tutorial we learned how to make a side scrolling endless runner. Although a lot of the basic mechanics such as button inputs, creating Prefabs, and destroying off screen objects were carried over from previous tutorials we also learned how to implement what I consider to be the core mechanics of endless runners which are the repeating backgrounds and the obstacle spawning. We also learned skills that could be carried into other game designs such as more detail on applying physics and collisions onto objects. We also learned more about object collision and what you can do with object collisions such as affecting multiple components through a single collision and triggering animations. In this tutorial we also learned about script communication which was a interesting but seemingly daunting task as having individual scrips interact puts a high risk of disrupting certain systems by making even changes and errors in one of the scripts. The part of the tutorials I found most interesting was implementing animation onto the Player Character. We learned about animation systems and how to trigger animations. I found animation how animations linked and transitioned and learning about the different "levels" or states that can be triggered through different requirements to be very interesting.

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