Sunday, February 21, 2021

Reading 04: Annotated Bibliography further analysis

After this week's session I think I can definitively say that I have found this process extremely difficult and that I struggled greatly in completing these tasks. Similar to last week I was not able to complete the intended amount of work in a reasonable amount of time and thus I was quite disappointed in myself in that regard. I was able to get a bit more done than last week but I still found the process very difficult and confusing and felt very unsure while doing it. It didn't feel as cumbersome and slow as last week as I think I had gotten used to the feeling of sitting down and writing for a certain amount of time again but this week still came with it's own problems and left me uncertain and confused like last time. I was still unsure about what information I should be actually extracting from the papers but unlike last week, where much of my writing was more summary in style, I aimed to focus on the papers' contents relevancy to my own writing project topic over trying to collate as much of the understandable information as I could. On a slightly more positive note I am glad that I spent the time that I did in Week 2 sourcing my papers before writing these bibliographies as it's quite  weight off my back not having to go and look for a new source every time I have to do a bibliography entry. My process of setting a block of time to sit down and complete as much of the work as I can helps me on a personal level as it stops me from overworking and sacrificing other aspects of my life like I'm prone to doing but I have to admit that it's kind of disheartening on an academic level that I haven't been able to complete the intended amount of work yet with this process. It feels like it does help however with my writing as it puts me into the 'academic writing' state of mind for the duration of my writing sessions which makes my writing more cohesive and lets me recall my previous writing better for comparison. There's no doubt that this process as a whole has been a struggle for me personally but this is the compromise that I landed on.

The working document of my Annotated Bibliographies can be found below

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