Sunday, October 4, 2020

Technology Tools and Websites for Academics


I'm looking forward to using Technological Tools for this module, both those I am already slightly familiar with and those I've never used before because I'll need all the practice I can get.

I am a big fan of the Class Website despite it being unlike anything else I've used academically. Having all the information needed for the module in a centralised place and having the information organised mitigates a lot of the annoying fidgeting we have to do for other modules, between Moodle, MS Teams, 3rd party resources, etc. I'm also very glad that we'll be incorporating Google Docs with this module as I've been using it for years and absolutely adore it, especially in an academic setting, so hopefully it'll make any collaborative or group work much simpler.

As for the tools we'll be using throughout the module,


As of Year 1 I have become a lot more familiar with blogs but there's still a lot to learn about them. I've genuinely come to enjoy using blogs more but especially when used less as a academic writing tool and more so as a progress diary.

Image Editing and Graphics Creation

I am relatively familiar with Image Editing especially after some modules in Year 1 and I have been getting practice through personal projects I've taken up over the past year, learning new skills and techniques, but there's still a lot I don't know. In terms of Graphics Creation much like Image Editing I have some experience from Year 1 and have completed some personal projects over the past year mainly in Illustrator. I also have minimal experience using Blender.

Unity 3D

I am most excited for learning Unity 3D, I don't have much to any experience with it but I'm eager to gain some throughout this module and I want to accomplish something with the programme.

Academic Tools

I am not particularly excited or anything for the academic tools such as WordPress or Padlet but I'm open minded to there usefulness throughout the module.

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