Friday, December 11, 2020

Unity Tutorial 10


Image of my Unity workspace

For this week's Unity tutorial I found myself searching for online Unity tutorials that would be helpful in progressing my game further as I had really hit a figurative dead-end in my game. I began the tutorial session by following this Unity tutorial I found on YouTube which gave step by step instructions on how to implement a more arcade style driving script into a Unity project. It was initially difficult to get follow the tutorial as my assets did not match but after some tweaking it was fairly smooth sailing following the tutorial. It was far more comprehensive than I had initially thought when clicking into it and it really helped make my game feel far more like an actual car game. I then decided to search for a possible alternative for my Camera Follow script and stumbled upon this YouTube tutorial for a slightly more dynamic Follow Camera. The coding in the video itself was far more advanced than my current capabilities but it was fairly easy to follow. Once I had completed the tutorial I tested the camera and found that it was jittery when in motion and due to it being too advanced I was not able to mitigate the problem. This led to me reverting back to my former script with some minor edits.

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